Do you love your Clients? They keep you in business. Clients or customers are what sustain you and bring you inspiration. Without customers you have no business. They are your life blood. Why shouldn’t you love them?
Do you love your staff? Your business runs because of them. How much would get done without them? Your staff might be your family or like family to you. You are with them every day of the week. Can you really put a value on how much they mean to you, how important they are to your business? Why shouldn’t you love them, too?
What about your Vendors and Suppliers? They provide the necessary tools to keep your going. In many cases they might offer you credit or better terms. Your business depends on them. Why shouldn’t you love them, as well?
How are you showing your love and appreciation to these wonderful people who keep your business thriving? People need to be acknowledged for what they do. Studies have shown that employees are motivated by more than just money. Being appreciated ranks higher than pay. You know how valuable a repeat customer is. As a business owner you have real relationships with all these people. Isn’t it worth the time to nurture them? Do you regularly thank them? Do you show them how critical they are to your success? Keep these people happy and you will have a stronger business.
There are so many ways to show your love and appreciation. Do a search for “Ways to appreciate customers / employees / suppliers” and you will find dozens. Here are a few to get you started:
* Reward a job well done. You can, inexpensively, make up award certificates. Just remembering to tell someone they did a good job, publicly if you can, will buy a lot of good will.
* Make these people feel special. Any way you can do this will be most appreciated. Try a small gift, if you can, singling them out, or have a party honoring them.
* Commiserate with hard times. Know what’s going on in these people’s lives. They are more than just business associates. They are human beings with lives outside the workplace. Send a card of condolence, flowers, or a helpful resource.
* Include a word of thanks with invoices and payments.
* Give excellent service at all times. If you make a commitment to give your best service your beloveds will know that you care. Saying it is one thing, doing is another.
* Respect them and their time.
* Hold Appreciation parties and celebrations.
* Take your Staff to lunch. Give Customers or Vendors gift certificates for a lunch out.
* Appreciate a job particularly well done with a public acknowledgment. You could send a press release to the local paper with the news.
* Award Employee, Customer or Vendor of the Month.
* Give Customers a bonus for referrals.
* Return the favor and send referrals to your Customers and Vendors.
* Ask around about how others are doing it. Keep an eye out for articles that might offer suggestions. Try the Google search. There are some great ideas out there. It’s perfectly all right to use whatever you find.
Okay, now go out there and show how much you can love and appreciate the people who mean so much to your business!
Sharing the love, Happy Valentines Day!- Diane Lemonides